JANUARY 2015 - JULY 2015

Monday, February 2, 2015

First day of school

Today was my first day of school.
I got up at 7 o'clock. That was really comfortable for me. I had a breakfast with Dominik, Jenny and Berry. Dominik was already in my host family in 2007. Berry is his girlfriend and Jenny is a friend of both. They are from Germany and they are driving around with their caravan. Very kind guys.
So I went to school at 8.30 and payed the fee for Outdoor Education. The distance between my house and the school is 200 meters.
After that I got my new timetable. I chose the following subjects for the first term: English, Mathematics, Outdoor Education, Cooking, Physical Education, Engineering skills.
Mathematics is really simple for me, because I studied already this stuff in Berlin two years ago. (Trigonometry).
The new students at highschool and the exchange students were welcomed in the Maori way. They sang in the Maori language. It was an amazing new experience for me and the other exchange students.


I was the last days in Queenstown for a rock festival. We drove from Hokitika to Haast, which was nearly the middle of our trip to Queenstown. We made a stop there and slept there. We got up at 9.00 o'clock and left our rooms some minutes before 10 o'clock. I realized that I forgot my memory card of my little camera in Hokitika. That's why I could not took really nice pictures. (only with my mobile phone).
We drove to Queenstown and need for that way about 4 hours.
We arrived Queenstown and it rained. The was moody. At Saturday in the morning we took our bus to the rock festival. There were about 17 000 people. My favourite band was "Foreinger". This band is from New York.
We drove back at Sunday with 2 breakes.
Finally, it was a really nice trip and I collected much impressions and new expieriences.

You can find here a panorama, which I made during the concert:

And this is picture from the stage: